Friday, July 13, 2007

I from Arrabella!!!

Hi again!!I'm Arabella as you know!!!And I'm a musical freak like most of my co-stars I also spend time with my many pets which are a snake 3 dogs a cat 2 birds and a hamster!When I'm not takeing care of them I'm either singing with my lovely voice trying to contact my real life boyfriend Adam who is not my boyfriend in the movie playing my saxophone reading watching a movie prcticeing for the many plays I'm in this summer danceing or playing with my besterest buddies who happed to be imaganary Gerard MIkey Frankie Ray And bob!I have brown hair in real life but I will dye my hair black for the movie!XP!!!!My eyes are brown and I have glasses but I REFUSE to wear them while filmimg!I have a few fun scenes in the movie were I get to sing a solo!!!Well I guess I'm the prepy girl in the movie!!!Even though I'm a total emo in real life!

PLays I'm doing this summer

who am I in it
Mark(Yes a guy but hey I can sing his parts perfectly!)
Sandy(yyyyaaaay main girl role)
Harry potter 1 2 3 and 4
Harry Potter(Yup anthor guy but I look sorta like him but i have to wear a wig in the play!)
There all small neighboorhood plays but hey I like being in plays1

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